

  • Airport Office Curtain Wall Project of Gambia
    Banjul, Gambia Date: 2023 Product Supplied: Aluminum curtain wall, top hung windows, Aluminum composite panel Project Story: January 2023, customer contact us via our website, send the plan. It was close to Chinese New Year, even our finance and technique back to hometown. But the building was in tight lead time, after confirm everything, ordered get confirm on 21st Jan, 2023 (One day before Spring festival) And goods are reach at July. The building is located in Banjul, next to Banjul International Airport. It’s not only office, but also being a signature for the airport. The roof has angle with slop, which we recommend ACP (Aluminum composite panel) for make special shape and color. Aluminum composite panels (ACPs) has below advantage: Durability, Lightweight, Versatility, Ease of maintenance also Cost-effective. For the curtain wall part, second floor is specially use low E glass for energy saving, outside with grids for special design decoration. All the windows parts are double tempered glass for sound insulated consideration. If you also looking for getting quality curtain wall, windows and other parts in good price and professional advice, contact us or leave your inquiry to us
  • 多米尼克酒店门窗项目
    拉特雷纳斯, 多米尼克日期: 2021 年 9 月产品供应:铝合金推拉窗, 铝合金推拉门 , 铝合金雨篷窗 , 玻璃栏杆 , 淋浴门 项目故事:这是一个约1500平方米的酒店项目,位于多米尼克海滨小镇拉特雷纳斯。该地区的人们喜欢在海边度假,所以我的客户特地开发了这个酒店项目,主要用于出租酒店给客户休闲度假,然后把房子卖给客户。 主要制作:1. 铝合金推拉窗 带SS304蚊帐1) 1.2mm 铝厚度2) 4mm+12A+4mm双层透明钢化玻璃3) 成品:PVDF4) 中国顶级品牌硬件 2. 带 SS304 蚊帐的铝合金高强度铝合金推拉门1) 1.6mm 铝厚度2) 5mm+20A+5mm双层透明钢化玻璃3) 成品:PVDF4) 中国顶级品牌硬件 3.窗外隔热铝篷1) 1.4mm 铝厚度2) 5mm+20A+5mm双层透明钢化玻璃3) 成品:PVDF4)德国Roto硬件 4.铝基阳台玻璃栏杆1) 120*46mm铝底,厚度9.5mm2) 玻璃:5+1.14PVB夹层+5mm双层透明钢化玻璃3)SS304扶手 5.淋浴门1) 10mm透明钢化玻璃 总产品约120套门窗 我们的客户对我们的产品很满意,并与我们长期合作
  • 四星级酒店项目
    柬埔寨金边日期: 2021 年 3 月产品供应:幕墙, 玻璃栏杆, 推拉门, 平开窗. 项目故事:客户是柬埔寨房地产代理公司的首席执行官。他通过互联网找到了我们,在与我们在山东的另一家供应商的产品进行比较后,他选择了我们,因为质量。该建筑在那里已有 2 年多,现在,它将成为带酒店的赌场之一。搭配海豪斯玻璃幕墙和玻璃栏杆,显得更加气派。
  • Inland Villa Windows and Doors in Texas USA
    Washington, USA Date: 2023 Product Supplied:Folding door, Garage door, Fixed window, Iron Door Project Story: Client Needs The end client was looking for suitable doors and windows for their new home in Texas. They wanted doors and windows that would meet the following requirements: 1. Withstand the scorching Texas heat 2. Be aesthetically pleasing and durable 3. Provide excellent sound insulation 4. Enhance living comfort Solution We provided the end client with a range of aluminum alloy doors and windows, including fixed windows, iron doors, garage doors, sliding doors, and folding doors. Our products are made from high-quality aluminum alloy materials and feature: a. Superior thermal insulation b. Outstanding sound insulation c. Durability d. A variety of styles Client Feedback The end client was very satisfied with our products and services. They said, "We are extremely satisfied with the aluminum alloy doors and windows we purchased from HIHAUS. They are not only beautiful but also provide excellent sound insulation. Even during the hottest Texas summers, our indoor environment remains cool and comfortable. Additionally, the quality of the doors and windows is exceptional, and we haven't had any issues since installation. We highly recommend your company to all Texas residents looking for high-quality aluminum alloy doors and windows." Aluminum alloy doors and windows are an ideal choice for residents of Texas. They effectively withstand the scorching Texas heat, provide excellent sound insulation, and enhance living comfort. If you are looking for high-quality aluminum alloy doors and windows in Texas, please contact us today. We look forward to providing you with exceptional products and services.
  • 豪华公寓项目
    澳大利亚布里斯班产品供应:单元式幕墙 -CW: 2000 SQM , AU Window system: 5000 SQM项目故事:本项目幕墙系统塔楼以单元为主,裙楼以框架为主。幕墙总面积约5000㎡。 该项目于2020年7月开始招标,历时一年。我们的客户不断与建筑师讨论方案,并多次修改设计方案,以同时满足业主和建筑师的要求。 在销售部和技术招投标部的努力下,我们成功击败对手中标。
  • 木制别墅改造——美国
    夏威夷, 美国日期:2022 年 11 月产品供应:折叠窗, 百叶推拉门, PT 门, 上悬窗, 折叠门. 项目故事:夏威夷是一个美丽的四面环海的岛屿,但对于这座木屋来说,它位于山上,远离大海。虽然,气候炎热潮湿。由业主设计,全屋改造空间更宽阔,与环境更自然。屋主说“我怕猫上去把蚊帐弄坏”,所以把蚊帐升级为304不锈钢的,但实际上,猫并没有发现那里有网可以爬。 因为是木屋,所有东西都带钉翅方便安装,而且所有的玻璃都是拼装的,所有的窗门都是业主自己安装的,真是一件好事。立式折叠窗设计改为向内折叠,确保蚊帐可以在外面,从外面走的人不会撞到头。 如果您也在寻找木屋翻新,请联系我们。
  • 卡塔尔的豪华别墅
    卡塔尔日期: 行进, 2023提供的产品:铝合金推拉窗, 铝合金推拉门 , 铝合金遮阳篷窗, 天空之光, 天窗, 钢制防盗门 项目故事:我们的客户是一个卡塔尔人,作为一名建筑师,而且是一个有远见的卡塔尔人,他想为自己设计建造一座特别的豪华别墅。当卡塔尔大部分私人别墅都使用uPVC窗户时,我们的客户深刻了解了uPVC的缺点,他决定使用更多更高质量的窗户, 铝窗,为自己的豪华别墅设计优雅。我们将介绍这个项目的一些特别之处。 屋顶设有超大金字塔天窗,采光极佳,同时采用热反射玻璃,将太阳热量阻挡在室外。即使在我们客户项目的整个区域中,这个金字塔天窗也是独特而辉煌的。 在侧面,业主使用超大尺寸的固定窗户来欣赏外面的美景,并使用隔热型材和玻璃来阻止太阳热量进入房屋。那就是设计和能源效率。阳台上的大板推拉门也是如此。 顶层公寓的双折叠门非常能保持开口传递思想,并能看到外面的景色! 在HiHaus监理人员的指导安装下,该项目的门窗、天窗显然安装得非常完美。
  • Lakeside Villa in Washington, USA
    Washington, USA Date: 2023 Product Supplied:Aluminum Folding door, Glass Garage door, Aluminum Fixed window Project Story: Our end customer's house is a lakeside villa in Washington, surrounded by mountains on three sides. The owner of house had been looking for manufacturers who can provide them high-quality doors and windows for the new home. Our agent in Washington once told us that the end customer sincerely hoped he and his family could enjoy the surrounding natural scenery better after installing new doors and windows. Through understanding of our products, he had faith in us and finally chose Hihaus windows and doors. Then, we will share the details of this perfect project. As far as we know, the lakeside villa has a terrace on the second floor that connects the indoor and outdoor areas, so we suggested the customer installed a folding door here. The design can let more light as well as air enter the room and make family members feel nature well. Now they have used these new doors and windows for a while, the customer was very satisfied with the quality of our products and service. He was glad to tell he would look forward to cooperating with us in the future.
  • 菲律宾豪华别墅项目
  • 美国休斯敦住宅项目
    美国休斯敦日期:2022 年 9 月 9 日产品供应:家庭项目窗户门: 隔热折叠门, 固定窗, 平开窗, 钉翅单悬窗, 总项目超过60平方米。 项目故事:这是美国当地的标准房子(木结构,3层楼,家庭住宅)现代感的设计,我们的客户选择黑色相框来搭配设计,纯黑色,让满屋子更加整洁,如下图所示。 说到设计,客户选择透明玻璃(标准双透明钢化玻璃)简单但易于匹配房屋外观。 安装时,我们建议使用钉翅(30mm)与木结构相匹配,最好使用钉翅,以获得更好的防水性和气密性。这些物品充斥着现代住宅,包括铝制折叠门、平开门、落地窗、单悬窗。 安装好的折叠门视图 在木箱和运输之前包装好的产品
  • 天河城项目
    美国芝加哥 产品供应:4000平方米;玻璃幕墙和ACP幕墙项目故事:项目以玻璃幕墙和ACP幕墙为主,项目建筑面积4000平方米。 2021年3月-我们开始与客户洽谈项目,提供解决方案,六个月后报价,客户终于收到我们的产品并安装完成,他昨天将项目图片发给我,他非常满意我们的产品质量和服务。他说很期待和我们Hihaus公司的合作。
  • 纽约别墅装修
    美国纽约日期:2023 年 7 月提供的产品:铝合金遮阳篷窗, 铝合金平开窗, 铝合金推拉门, 铝合金折叠门 , 天窗 项目故事:业主是三代人住在同一屋檐下。经过一个漫长的冬天,更换门窗的工作终于开始了。 订单于 2021 年 3 月,需要低 E 玻璃和冷绝缘,我们推荐我们合适的现代象牙灰色系统。 强调:浴室天窗,沐浴时保持私密性,同时享受美景和美好时光。玻璃:6mm+18A+6mm低E
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