

  • Why does tempered glass of windows and doors self explode? How to choose the glass of windows and doors? Why does tempered glass of windows and doors self explode? How to choose the glass of windows and doors?
    May 08, 2024
    Part 1: Why does tempered glass of windows and doors self explode? Glass self explosion refers to the sudden rupture or bursting of glass without external force. There are mainly two reasons as follows: : ※Thermal stress caused by extreme weather The thermal stress caused by temperature changes, is known as thermal burst. When air conditioners are turned on indoors and sunlight is exposed outdoors in summer, the temperature on the glass surface suddenly increases or decreases. The thermal stress gap between inside and outside can cause cracks and breakage. Meanwhile, extreme weather such as typhoons and rain may also cause glass to burst. ※Instability of glass raw materials The original glass sheet itself contains impurities - nickel sulfide. During glass manufacturing, if bubbles and impurities are not completely eliminated, they may rapidly expand and cause rupture under changes in temperature or pressure. Therefore, the self explosion of glass cannot be completely avoided, which is also an inherent characteristic of glass. To address this issue, We Hihaus use raw materials from two top brands in the glass industry and heat the glass to a high temperature of 290 ° C for homogeneous hot dip treatment, achieving quality improvement. After treatment, the number of broken particles of 10CM² is controlled between 80-100 particles, and it will become granular after crushing to reduce secondary damage. Meanwhile, the self explosion rate has decreased from 3 ‰ of ordinary tempered glass to 1 ‰. Part 2: How to choose the glass of windows and doors? When selecting glass, it is recommended to use 3C certified tempered glass with good bending strength and impact resistance. On this basis, you can further choose the glazing configuration according to the living environment, urban area, floor level and other factors. ※Urban area If the area is in the south and the population is relatively dense, it will be necessary for you to pay attention to the sound insulation and watertight performance of windows and doors. If it is in the north, you will pay more attention to airtight and insulation performance. ※ Environmental noise If you live on the side of the road or other noisy areas, it will be recommended that the windows and doors can be configured with hollow + laminated glass, which can greatly improve the sound insulation effect. ※ Floor height When selecting glass for high floors, it is necessary to focus on wind pressure resistance. The higher the floor, the greater the wind pressure and the thicker the glass needed. Because the requirements of the low floor against wind pressure are lower, the glass can be selected to be thinner. People who live on high floors have relatively high requirements for watertight performance and sound insulation. These can allow the staff to carry out targeted calculations when selecting windows and doors. Part 3: How to deal with self explosion of windows and doors? ※Use laminated glass Laminated glass is composed of two or more pieces of glass, sandwiched between a layer or more layers of organic polymer intermediate film. After special high temperature prepressing treatment, the glass and the intermediate film are bonded as one composite glass product. Even if the glass breaks, the debris will be stuck to the film and the broken glass surface will remain intact, which effectively prevents the occurrence of splinter injuries and falling events. ※ Apply high-performance polyester film to glass If the laminated glass is not used in the early stage, we can paste high-performance polyester film on the glass of windows and door. When the tempered glass breaks for various reasons, the safety explosion-proof film can stick to the glass fragments to prevent splashing and protect the personnel inside and outside the building from being hurt by the splashing glass fragments. ※Select ultra cleared tempered glass There are two main advantages of ultra cleared tempered glass: the strength higher than that of ordinary glass and the low self explosion rate. The thermal stability of ultra cleared tempered glass is more than good, and its external damage carrying capacity is higher. In the glass production process, the ultra-white process requires a lower impurity content than conventional glass, so the self explosion rate approaches zero. Doors and Windows are the first line of home security protection. In order to prevent glass self-explosion, when we choose and evaluate the safety index of a door and window, we should be from the selection of materials, the performance of windows and door, technical process support and details of the comprehensive assessment.
  • 加纳仓库如何选择门窗? 加纳仓库如何选择门窗?
    Oct 31, 2022
    加纳仓库项目的加载日 我们喜欢在这里分享您可以为仓库Windows门选择什么,这是我们加纳客户的仓库之一 对于仓库的一侧,将建议使用 双层玻璃推拉窗,如果您想在仓库中更明亮,那么白色将是您的最佳选择。 **大部分窗户正在等待包装 白色与所有设计相匹配,具有优质的表面颜色涂层,耐用且易于清洁。玻璃部分,我们采用单片6mm加厚钢化玻璃,光线容易带进来,玻璃也很容易清理。 我们的车间还安装了白色的推拉窗,以提供更明亮和简单的功能。 旁边有车库门作为关库正门。 对于这个加纳仓库,我们的客户选择了白色的欧洲设计,这是他选择的仓库车库门设计 基于提供的车库门客户的孔尺寸,我们提供匹配门孔和附件位置图,下面还分享以供参考: 我们指出了所有细节,因此我们的客户可以检查距离校正,他的建筑师可以检查现场空间就足够了。 这里是成品面板实物图,超级棒的作品!! 如果您也在寻找您的仓库或车间门窗,请立即联系我们以制定您自己的计划
  • 为什么以及如何选择高质量的门窗 为什么以及如何选择高质量的门窗
    Nov 26, 2021
    当您建造或改造您的房子时,您可能会觉得门窗的安装很简单。其实产品是基础,安装是上层建筑。因此,产品的购买和安装同样重要。 1.窗口选择门窗具有良好的隔音降噪性能。重要的是如何选择窗口。 情况:家里风大的时候,很有可能窗户会逐渐晃动。如果是高层住宅,危险系数会大大增加。 解决办法:购买窗户时,一定要了解一些基本常识。例如: 1、铝框厚度不能小于1.4mm。 2、检查门窗是否贴有合格的保养塑料薄膜。一般来说,表面干净整洁。 3、门窗应严格按照我国标准生产。采购商可向供应商索取隔音检测等合格报告。 2.漏水条件:下雨时,窗边会有水迹。 出现这种现象是在拼装作业中使用混合砂浆填缝,车窗密封性不是很好,密封胶带不合格。 解决方法: 1、操作时切记防止使用混合砂浆填充接缝。一般会使用延展性好的泡沫胶来填充接缝。 2、窗下凹槽应有外排水管孔,以防积水。 3、窗框要留有一定的距离,防止水倒流。 3、隔音降噪现状:门窗已经装好了,但还是能听到外面的声音。解决方法:1、安装时要特别注意密封胶带。大多数这种类型的隔音是由于密封胶带的质量。它应该是一个封闭的整体,不能在拐角处破裂。 2、一般卧室阳台的实际隔音效果会比较弱。因为总面积大,可以在里面加隔音装饰隔断推拉门,分两层消除噪音。


