

  • Comparative analysis of aluminum garage door and galvanized steel garage doors Comparative analysis of aluminum garage door and galvanized steel garage doors
    Nov 28, 2023
    As we talk about garage doors, there are two common materials used which are aluminum and steel. While each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, it is important to consider key factors such as durability, cost, and maintenance. Aluminum garage doors offer several benefits. They are lightweight, making them easier to open and close manually. Additionally, aluminum is resistant to corrosion, making it a suitable choice for coastal areas or regions with harsh weather conditions. The material is also more malleable, allowing for a wider range of design options and customization. Hihaus aluminum glass garage doors with 2.5mm or 3.0mm thickness for frame and these 2 types of garage doors are hot selling in this year. However, aluminum garage doors do have some disadvantages. Aluminum is a poor insulator, but we have way to fill PU foam into the profile which will increase the thermal insulation. Speaking of cost, galvanized steel garage doors are generally cheaper than aluminum ones. In terms of thermal insulation and heat preservation performance, galvanized steel garage doors will be better. But this year is also aluminum glass style is more favored by customer groups. It's important to note that the cost of a garage door can vary depending on factors such as size, design, insulation, and additional features like windows or decorative elements. In conclusion, Hihaus garage doors makes efforts to update the performance of our products and develop practical and innovative styles to meet the needs of the market.
  • 流行的铝制倾斜车库门 流行的铝制倾斜车库门
    Jul 25, 2023
    倾斜车库门是一种流行的车库门设计类型,常用于住宅和商业场所。让我们跟随Hihaus来了解一下倾斜车库门的一些主要特点: 操作:倾斜车库门的操作机构很简单,门板从水平位置向外倾斜到垂直向上位置,从而打开和关闭车库门。这些通常是在固定点枢转的单件车库门。 节省空间: 倾斜车库门 以其节省空间的设计而闻名。打开时,门向上倾斜并沿着天花板移动,需要最小的顶部空间。这使得它们成为净空或天花板空间有限的车库的合适选择。 多功能性:平装车库门在设计和材料方面具有多种用途。它们可以由多种材料制成,例如钢、铝、木材甚至 玻璃 车库门。此外,它们还可以进行定制,以适应建筑的美观和房主的个人风格偏好。 安全性:倾斜车库门通常采用坚固的面板,为车库空间提供良好的安全性和保护。其结构中使用的坚固材料使其能够抵抗强行进入,为财产增加了一层额外的安全保障。手动或自动操作:倾斜车库门可以手动或自动操作。手动操作涉及使用手柄或弹簧加载机构,而自动门则使用电机和远程控制系统以方便打开和关闭。 选择倾斜车库门时,重要的是要考虑门的重量和尺寸、所用材料、隔热选项和可用安装空间等因素。建议与信誉良好的制造商或供应商合作,以确保车库门质量上乘,满足您的要求,并且可以正确安装以获得最佳性能。 更多车库门类型信息,请联系 希豪斯 了解详情。
  • 我们车库门的优势 我们车库门的优势
    Feb 21, 2022
    优质产品。我们提供各种住宅和商业车库门,可以定制以满足客户的确切要求。我们还提供多种颜色、款式、隔热材料和窗户选项的门,我们的每一款产品都有一个不变的特点:可靠性。我们坚固可靠的门经得起时间的考验,因此我们的客户和他们的客户可以放心,他们的产品将完美运行。 物超所值。我们以具有竞争力的价格提供优质的门。由于我们在材料和门的选择上具有灵活性,我们可以在不降低产品质量的情况下满足每项预算。通过提供经久耐用且可靠的产品,我们最大限度地减少了更换需求,从而最大限度地延长了使用寿命。 完美的服务。海豪斯创造了一种服务文化,使每一位员工都能为我们的客户提供卓越的服务。我们真正关心我们的客户,就好像他们是我们家庭的一部分,这就是为什么我们竭尽全力确保我们的客户满意。 Hihaus 提供各种住宅和商业车库门,可以定制以满足客户的具体要求。随心所欲,随心所欲,欢迎联系我们做您的定制款。


