

  • How to choose the right Soundproof Windows? How to choose the right Soundproof Windows?
    Nov 17, 2023
    In a busy world full of noise pollution, it is becoming increasingly important to create a peaceful and peaceful environment in your home. Soundproof Windows offer a solution that minimizes the intrusion of outside noise and allows us to enjoy a more peaceful living space. If you are considering investing in soundproof Windows, it is vital to understand the different options. In this article, we'll explore various soundproof window options to help you choose the best fit for your needs. Laminated glass windows: laminated glass windows are a popular option for sound insulation. They are composed of a layer of plastic between two layers of glass and offer increased acoustic insulation. Here's why they work:Sound transmission level (STC) : laminated glass Windows have an excellent STC level, which measures their ability to block sound. They can significantly reduce the level of noise from outside sources such as traffic or buildings. Additional benefits: laminated glass windows offer additional benefits, such as increased security, as the plastic layer holds the glass together in case of breakage. In addition, they offer UV protection that reduces the fading of furniture and floors due to the sun. Double or triple glazed windows: double glazed windows or triple glazed windows are another popular option for sound insulation. Here's how they work: Several layers: these Windows consist of two or three Windows with a central space filled with air or gas. The additional layers are used to isolate external noise. Thermal insulation: the air between the Windows or the space filled with gas can serve as an additional barrier to sound propagation. The thickness of the glass and the size of the gap influence the acoustic properties. Energy efficiency: double or triple glazed Windows also offer greater energy efficiency, reduce heat loss and minimize the transfer of cold or hot air from the outside. Acoustic Windows: Hihaus acoustic Windows are specially designed to solve noise problems. They use advanced soundproofing to create a truly quiet family environment:Soundproof materials: soundproof Windows are made of special materials, such as soundproof laminate and soundproof foam, which effectively reduce sound propagation Frame design: the Hihaus acoustic window frame is designed to minimize vibration and noise leakage, greatly improving its noise reduction capability. Technical Installation: a professional Installation is essential to maximize the efficiency of soundproof Windows. It is recommended to use specialized personnel with experienced skills to ensure proper sealing and optimize sound insulation. Customization and budget considerations: by choosing soundproof Windows, you have several options that can be tailored to your unique needs and budget: Frame materials: the materials used for acoustic Windows are varied, including vinyl, wood, aluminum, fibreglass, etc. Each material has its own advantages and price range, allowing you to find a balance between performance and cost. Other features: some soundproof Windows offer additional features such as a low-emission coating for enhanced insulation or adjustable sound transmission capability for different noise levels. Hihaus soundproof Windows are an effective solution to reduce noise intrusion and create a quieter home environment for everyone. Whether you choose laminated, double or triple glazing, or specialized soundproof Windows, each option offers varying degrees of soundproofing and offers additional benefits such as energy efficiency and security. When choosing the most appropriate soundproofing solution for your home, consider your specific noise concerns, budget, and customization preferences. Do not hesitate to contact our experienced Hihaus professional consultants to ensure proper installation and enjoy the serenity they bring.
  • 常见的窗玻璃种类你知道吗? 常见的窗玻璃种类你知道吗?
    Mar 27, 2023
    01 钢化玻璃铝合金门 窗户以其耐用、重量轻、维修方便等优点,在现代建筑中得到广泛应用。铝合金材料强度高,耐腐蚀性好,不易变形。而且,它可以很容易地制成各种形状,以满足建筑物的不同设计需求。 02 中空玻璃 中空玻璃又称双层玻璃,是将两片(或三片)玻璃用高强度、高气密性的复合胶与含有干燥剂的铝合金边框粘合而成。中空玻璃具有良好的隔音、隔热、保温、防结露等功能,可以改善室内环境。 LOW-E玻璃,又称低辐射玻璃,是一种在玻璃表面镀上多层金属或其他化合物而成的薄膜类产品。其镀膜层具有对可见光高透过率和对中远红外线高反射率的特性,使其与普通玻璃和传统建筑用镀膜玻璃相比具有优良的隔热性能和良好的透光率。 03夹层玻璃 夹层玻璃是玻璃经高温预压(或抽真空),经高温高压加工后,将玻璃与中间膜永久粘合在一起的复合玻璃制品。中间膜由一层或多层有机聚合物制成。破碎的玻璃表面保持干净光滑。与其他类型的玻璃相比,夹层玻璃具有抗震、防盗、防弹、防爆等性能,可有效防止碎片刺穿、坠落事件的发生,保障人身安全。在相同厚度下,夹层玻璃对中低频声波的阻隔效果显着,优于中空玻璃。夹层玻璃可以起到很好的隔绝中低频噪音的作用。此外,夹层玻璃还具有极高的紫外线隔离功能,隔离率达90%以上,非常适合保护贵重家具、陈列品、艺术品等免受紫外线伤害。 选择优质的门窗是追求品质生活的重要一步。中国 豪斯 门窗 产品系列齐全,款式新颖,颜色多样,为您提供更多选择。我们在工艺和细节上精益求精,确保我们的产品在隔音、隔热、密封防水、安全稳定、防盗、防坠落等方面有更好的表现,让您“静”享品质生活!


