

  • Unveiling the World of Commercial Windows in Modern Architecture Unveiling the World of Commercial Windows in Modern Architecture
    May 30, 2024
    Windows are an essential component of commercial buildings, offering functionality, beauty, and efficiency tailored to the unique requirements of non-residential spaces. These windows are designed to serve multiple purposes while meeting stringent performance standards in various commercial settings, such as office buildings, retail stores, hotels, and institutional structures. Recommendation of Commercial Windows: Fixed Windows: Hihaus Fixed windows, also known as picture windows, are non-operable windows that do not open or close. They are favored for their clean, modern look and unobstructed views, making them popular choices for commercial buildings where natural light and panoramic views are desired. Sliding Windows: Hihaus Sliding windows feature sashes that move horizontally along tracks to open and close. They are commonly used in commercial buildings due to their ease of operation, space-saving design, and ability to provide ventilation while maintaining a sleek appearance. But if for high floor or windy area, we don’t recommend in such type of window. Casement Windows: Casement windows are friction stay on top and down side and swing outward or swing in to open. They are often chosen for their superior energy efficiency, tight sealing against air infiltration, and contemporary aesthetic appeal, making them suitable for various commercial applications. Awning Windows: Awning windows are friction stay at the top and open outward from the bottom. They are popular choices for commercial buildings seeking to maximize ventilation while preventing rain or debris from entering the interior space, making them ideal for bathrooms, kitchens, or high-rise structures. Hung Windows: Single or Double hung windows consist of one or two vertically sliding sashes that can be opened from the top or bottom. They offer versatility, easy maintenance, and classic charm, making them suitable for commercial buildings seeking a traditional look with modern functionality. Tilt-Turn Windows: Tilt-turn windows can tilt inwards for ventilation or swing open like a door for easy cleaning and emergency egress. They are commonly used in commercial buildings where operability, security, and ease of maintenance are essential considerations. If you are looking for good water resistance and air-tightness, this will be the best choice Glass Curtain Walls: Glass curtain walls are large expanses of glass that create a visually striking and modern aesthetic in commercial buildings. These systems are designed to maximize natural light, provide thermal insulation, and enhance the building's overall energy efficiency while offering unobstructed views of the surrounding environment. In conclusion, commercial windows play a pivotal role in shaping the architectural character, functionality, and energy performance of modern commercial buildings. With a diverse range of window types available to suit different design preferences and practical requirements, architects and building owners can select the most suitable commercial windows to enhance the aesthetic appeal, occupant comfort, and sustainability of commercial structures. If you are looking for quality windows doors, welcome to check in Foshan Hihaus factory, where you can get the professional advise along with quality commercial windows.
  • 说说房屋通风门窗解决方案 说说房屋通风门窗解决方案
    Jul 14, 2023
    在考虑使用选项时 门窗 为了为您的家提供通风,必须优先考虑气流、安全性和美观性。以下是需要考虑的几点: 自然通风:通过策略性地放置门窗以实现交叉通风来优化自然通风。这意味着在房间的两侧放置开口以创造气流通道。 窗户:选择促进空气流通的窗户,例如 平开窗、遮阳篷窗或百叶窗。这些类型的窗户可以轻松打开和调节,以控制气流的量和方向。 门选项:考虑安装纱门或带有内置通风选项的门,例如带有可调节百叶窗或部分玻璃设计的门。这些选项提供空气流通以及安全和隐私。 窗户位置:考虑在不同高度安装窗户,以促进空气流通。将窗户安装在墙上较高的位置将促进热空气的释放,而较低的窗户将吸入新鲜空气。 安全性:确保您选择的通风解决方案包括安全锁定机制,以维护整个客厅的安全。选择带有多点锁定系统和坚固框架的门窗。 美观:牢记您家的整体设计,并选择符合您风格偏好的门窗。考虑材料、饰面和建筑细节,创造出具有凝聚力和视觉吸引力的外观。 通风配件:探索可以增强气流的其他配件,例如窗户通风口、滴流通风口或吊扇。这些可以补充门窗提供的自然通风,特别是在气流有限的区域。 请记住咨询专业人士,例如建筑师或门窗专家,以评估您的具体家居布局、气候和通风需求。他们可以提供个性化的建议和专业知识,以确保为您的家提供有效且高效的通风方案。 欢迎联系 希豪斯 寻求专业建议。
  • Hihaus不同风格的铝窗 Hihaus不同风格的铝窗
    Jun 30, 2023
    铝窗是当今建筑行业中引人注目的亮点。它们不仅经久耐用,而且安全、美观,并且具有良好的隔热、隔音性能,是一种节能环保的建筑材料。目前流行的有以下几种类型: 铝窗 常用于住宅和商业建筑。这里有一些例子: 平开窗:这些窗户在一侧铰接,并使用曲柄向外打开。它们提供良好的通风并以其能源效率而闻名。 推拉窗:滑动窗具有一个或多个可沿着轨道水平滑动的可移动面板。它们易于操作并具有时尚、现代的外观。 遮阳窗:遮阳窗顶部铰接,从底部向外打开,产生微妙的遮阳效果。即使在小雨期间它们也能保持通风,通常用于浴室或地下室。 图片窗口: 图片窗口是不能打开的固定窗口。它们旨在提供畅通无阻的视野并最大限度地利用空间中的自然光。 双悬窗:双悬窗由两个垂直堆叠的窗扇组成,可以独立移动。它们在通风方面具有多功能性,是传统和历史风格住宅的热门选择。 这些只是流行铝窗类型的几个例子。在为您的项目选择最佳窗户类型时,重要的是要考虑您的具体需求,例如能源效率、美观和功能。向Hihaus咨询可以帮助您根据您的要求做出正确的选择。铝窗的类型有很多,总有一种适合您。


