

  • Exploring the Pros and Cons of Common Window Types: Making the Right Choice for Your Home Exploring the Pros and Cons of Common Window Types: Making the Right Choice for Your Home
    Jan 17, 2024
    Although there are many types of doors and windows on the market today, they each have their own advantages and disadvantages, resulting in their different scopes of application. Therefore, it is indispensable to choose the suitable doors and windows, which can greatly improve the quality of lives. They will be introduced briefly as follows. First of all, top-hung window has always been one of the most popular types of windows. Compared with other types, although it does not have very good ventilation performance, it is more convenient and safer than outward-opening windows, because the handle is on the lower side. Moreover, the opening method and direction can effectively save indoor space, so top-hung windows are more suitable for installation in small spaces, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Secondly, the reason why an increasing number of people choose sliding windows nowadays is that they can effectively increase ventilation area and make the lighting enter rooms by constantly adjusting the position of panels. Enough sunlight and air are indispensable in daily lives. However, the sealing of sliding windows is relatively poor. It is usually suitable to install in balconies or rooms with low sealing requirements. Thirdly, it is known that choosing tilt & turn windows installed at home has become new trend in modern society. They have very good sealing and can prevent rain entering rooms. Nevertheless, the panel of tilt & turn window occupies indoor space, so we need to consider the decoration layout before choosing it. If you have sealing requirements for windows, it must be your first choice. Then, tilt & slide window, the newest design of windows, will be loved by more and more people in the future because of the excellent sealing. However, since it has just been developed, the price is relatively expensive. In addition, the hardware damage rate is high compared to other kinds. Limited by track, so it is more suitable to install in rooms with windowsill. Finally, sliding door with narrow frame is beautiful. Because it does not have the bottom track, it is convenient to sweep the floor. However, the design of top track is prone to shake. In a word, which kind of window you choose depends on the need and environment. Choosing good doors and windows can help us enjoy a better life.
  • Hihaus不同风格的铝窗 Hihaus不同风格的铝窗
    Jun 30, 2023
    铝窗是当今建筑行业中引人注目的亮点。它们不仅经久耐用,而且安全、美观,并且具有良好的隔热、隔音性能,是一种节能环保的建筑材料。目前流行的有以下几种类型: 铝窗 常用于住宅和商业建筑。这里有一些例子: 平开窗:这些窗户在一侧铰接,并使用曲柄向外打开。它们提供良好的通风并以其能源效率而闻名。 推拉窗:滑动窗具有一个或多个可沿着轨道水平滑动的可移动面板。它们易于操作并具有时尚、现代的外观。 遮阳窗:遮阳窗顶部铰接,从底部向外打开,产生微妙的遮阳效果。即使在小雨期间它们也能保持通风,通常用于浴室或地下室。 图片窗口: 图片窗口是不能打开的固定窗口。它们旨在提供畅通无阻的视野并最大限度地利用空间中的自然光。 双悬窗:双悬窗由两个垂直堆叠的窗扇组成,可以独立移动。它们在通风方面具有多功能性,是传统和历史风格住宅的热门选择。 这些只是流行铝窗类型的几个例子。在为您的项目选择最佳窗户类型时,重要的是要考虑您的具体需求,例如能源效率、美观和功能。向Hihaus咨询可以帮助您根据您的要求做出正确的选择。铝窗的类型有很多,总有一种适合您。


